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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

One Week Old

Big sissy Ava is such a little mama. She would like to be involved in every diaper change, burping session, clothing change and bath. If she could nurse him she would. I love her excitement and love for her little brother even though it is sometimes trying on my patience. She is so so good to me too. She will refill my water glass or bring me more pillows to prop Adam on and sit by my side while he nurses. 

Big brother Luca seems like he has matured before our eyes. He loves his little brother but doesn't need to be involved in everything like Ava. He's a five year old boy after all. A 30 second snuggle or a bedtime kiss on the head and he's good. I can't wait for the days when Adam starts to interact with the kids, Luca is going to think it is the absolute best when Adam smiles and laughs at him. 

Three kids. Whoa. 

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